
Our Approach

Human first, organisations second – Empowerment begins with individuals!

Empowering Individuals for Socio-Economic Impact

Navigating the world’s complexity demands constant learning, curiosity and adaptability. Entrepreneurs, manager and leaders face immense pressure in these uncertain, ambiguous and volatile environments. They are being required to continually strengthen their resilience, lead with confidence and support those around them

Catalysing Growth Through Reflective Relationships, Networks, and Communities

Mentoring provides THE edge for leaders in complex environments. It serves as a catalyst, fostering safe, reflective relationships and conversations.

These relationships clarify ideas, build confidence, and successfully guide paths within intricate systems.

Beyond short-term growth, mentoring strengthens leadership, influences mindset, and establishes the foundation for long-term relationships that drive sustainable change, innovation, and robust networks.

In addition to fostering reflective relationships, we actively cultivate vibrant peer, cohort, and wider communities and networks for entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders. These connections provide invaluable support, collaboration opportunities, and a fertile ground for innovation and growth, enriching the overall learning experience and amplifying the impact of our programmes.

(MAVA Leaders for Nature Academy 2018-2022)

MAVA Leaders for Nature Academy 2018-2022 

Human-First Approach for Lasting Success

At the core of our methodology is a human-first approach. We prioritise individual growth to ensure tailored guidance that not only fosters personal development but also yields tangible results at the organisational level.  

  1. We cultivate self-assured, collaborative leaders equipped with the requisite mindset, capacities, and competencies.
  2. Through better learning and supportive cultures, we boost performance and results, creating successful and impactful organisations. 
  3. These leaders connect and bring together communities and organisations, making society more inclusive and prosperous. 
Our Approach Diagram

Understanding Potential, Interference and Performance

Our work is inspired by the wisdom of Timothy Gallwey’s equation from his book “The Inner Game”: Performance equals Potential minus Interference. This equation forms the cornerstone of our mentoring and coaching approach, enabling us to empower entrepreneurs, social impact managers, and leaders to unprecedented heights.

Our work is inspired by the wisdom of Timothy Gallwey’s equation from his book “The Inner Game”: Performance equals Potential minus Interference. This equation forms the cornerstone of our mentoring and coaching approach, enabling us to empower entrepreneurs, social impact managers, and leaders to unprecedented heights.


Within every individual and organisation resides a wellspring of untapped capabilities—the potential for greatness. It embodies innovative ideas, problem-solving prowess, and industry expertise, waiting to be harnessed for impactful change.


Yet, potential is often hampered by external and internal interferences. Internally, mental barriers like self-doubt and limiting beliefs impede progress. Externally, factors such as demanding schedules, societal pressures, or unexpected obstacles can derail focus. Interference manifests as fear, imposter syndrome, or external demands, casting shadows on the path to excellence. 


With the right support, performance can emerge as the visible outcome, showcasing the effective expression of potential and the adept management of interference. It manifests in inspirational leadership, strategic decision-making, and organisational achievements. 


Within every individual and organisation resides a wellspring of untapped capabilities—the potential for greatness. It embodies innovative ideas, problem-solving prowess, and industry expertise, waiting to be harnessed for impactful change.



Yet, potential is often hampered by external and internal interferences. Internally, mental barriers like self-doubt and limiting beliefs impede progress. Externally, factors such as demanding schedules, societal pressures, or unexpected obstacles can derail focus. Interference manifests as fear, imposter syndrome, or external demands, casting shadows on the path to excellence. 


Success / Performance:

With the right support, performance can emerge as the visible outcome, showcasing the effective expression of potential and the adept management of interference. It manifests in inspirational leadership, strategic decision-making, and organisational achievements

Success / Performance

Achieving Peak Performance with The Human Edge's Solutions

At The Human Edge, we believe that mentoring relationships are our catalyst for change, dismantling these interferences and unlocking the full spectrum of potential. Our 360-degree approach addresses both personal and professional hurdles. Our trained mentors and coaches understand the obstacles that cloud potential, hindering progress. With our focused and goal-oriented mentoring, we dissolve these barriers of self-doubt and external pressures, empowering entrepreneurs, social impact managers, and leaders to reach new heights. This results in transformative change. Confidence grows, skills sharpen, and connections flourish. 

360 Degree Approach
Our Proven 7-Phases of Effective Mentoring Programmes Framework

Building on the foundation of our human-centered approach and 360-degree support, our proven 7-phase framework ensures a structured and impactful mentoring experience. This framework addresses both personal and professional development needs, guiding participants through a journey of self-discovery, skill development, and lasting impact.

Here’s a glimpse into the key phases:

7-Phase Mentoring Excellence Methodology
7-Phase Mentoring Excellence Methodology
1. Programme Design:

We kick-start the journey by designing a programme tailored to your specific needs and objectives, setting the stage for a transformative experience.

2. Participant Recruitment:

We meticulously select mentors, coaches, subject matter experts, and mentees who align with your programme’s context and goals, whether from an open or closed pool.

3. Mentee Preparation

We kick-start the journey by designing a programme tailored to your specific needs and objectives, setting the stage for a transformative experience.

4. Mentor Training

Our mentors receive thorough training to provide the guidance and support required for programme success.

5. Matching and Relationship Building:

We foster meaningful connections through careful mentor-mentee pairings, ensuring compatibility and mutual benefit.

6. Ongoing Support, Peer, and Network Building:

Throughout the programme, we provide continuous support, encourage peer interactions, and help participants build valuable networks.

7. Completion and Reporting

The journey culminates in a celebratory graduation event, where we acknowledge the achievements and progress of all participants. We also provide comprehensive reporting to measure the programme’s impact and outcomes.

Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation

Throughout these seven phases, we continually monitor and evaluate the programme’s effectiveness, making adjustments as needed to ensure the best possible outcomes for participants and partners alike. Your success is our success, and we are committed to delivering results.

Join Us in Transforming Lives and Communities!

Are you ready to make a tangible difference in the world of entrepreneurship, leadership, and social impact? Take the first step towards catalysing growth, fostering resilience, and driving sustainable change by partnering with The Human Edge today.

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