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Explore our mentoring and coaching resources

The Essential Role of Mentoring for Leaders Especially During Times of Turmoil and Transition

Mentoring Entrepreneurs:
The insider’s guide to shaping success!

Mava Leaders for Nature Academy Impact Report

Why train your mentors

Building mentoring cultures: How effective mentoring programmes build a culture of mentoring

Mentoring Question Toolkit

What is mentoring? A focus on mentoring for entrepreneurs.

Evaluating the Potential of a Mentoring Programme for Tech Entrepreneurs in Rwanda

Practical Tools for Effective Mentoring of MSME’s. Spring Impact report with contribution by Mowgli Mentoring

Nourrir le Capital Humain:La Pièce Manquante duPuzzle Entrepreneurial deLa Région MENA

Nurturing Human Capital: The Missing Piece of MENA’s Entrepreneurship Puzzle – Arabic version

Raising the capacities of young entrepreneurs Anima Investment Network with contribution by Mowgli Mentoring

Empowering Entrepreneurs for Economic Growth – 2015 Impact Report

A Decade of Mentoring – Impact Report

Critical Phases of an Entrepreneur’s Life and the Impact of a Mentor

Mentoring to Empower Entrepreneurial and Economic Development – An excerpt from the recently published Sage Handbook of Mentoring

Nurturing Human Capital: The Missing Piece of MENA’s Entrepreneurship Puzzle

Habiliter les Entrepreneurspour la Croissance Economique – 2015 Rapport d’Impact

Empowering Entrepreneurs for Economic Growth – 2015 Impact Report – Arabic Version

Deauville Partnership SME Mentoring Initiative for MENA – Final Report

The Mentoring Effect on Economic Growth

L’effet du Mentoring dans laCroissance Economique

Research Briefing – Mentoring and entrepreneurship:
A natural fit for learning

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