Empowering Loan Officers and Micro-Entrepreneurs through Mentoring

Mowgli Foundation (now The Human Edge)'s pilot programme in Egypt highlights the power of combining leadership development with mentoring to support both loan officers and micro-entrepreneurs. By equipping loan officers with essential skills and fostering collaboration with entrepreneurs, the programme contributes to capacity building and promotes business growth within the microfinance sector.

Project: MFI Mentor Training Programme (Egypt)

Location: Egypt

Client: Alexandria Business Association (ABA)

This case study explores the Mowgli Foundation (now The Human Edge) pilot programme in Egypt, which aimed to:

  • Develop leadership skills among ABA loan officers through mentoring.
  • Integrate mentoring into ABA’s approach to support micro-entrepreneurs, fostering their growth and sustainability.

Programme Design:

  • Mentor training: 27 loan officers received training on mentoring skills and techniques.
  • Matching: 13 trained loan officers were paired with micro-entrepreneurs from the ABA’s client base.
  • Ongoing support: Mowgli Foundation (now The Human Edge) provided peer calls and refresher training for mentors throughout the year.

Key Findings:

  • Loan officers reported developing leadership and communication skills through mentoring.
  • 84% of loan officers felt their clients made progress towards their goals.
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