So you’ve been matched with a mentee, what next?
How can you make sure that you keep the momentum going, and have an impactful and mutually beneficial relationship? Mowgli Mentors share some tips on what has worked for them.
1. Commit to regular meetings with your mentee and to holding each other accountable
“Besides a strong relationship based on trust and openness, commitment in my opinion was key. We met on a weekly basis for the first six months.” Christine Francis Asmar, Mowgli Mentor and Facilitator, Lebanon
2. Listen — to what is and is not being said
“It’s an open and honest exchange and not a top down monologue, so there is no patronising or preaching, but the exchange is based upon listening, questioning and provoking.” Ali Borhani, Mowgli Mentor, UK
3. Be a mirror, challenging your mentee without being judgemental or prescriptive
“Through questioning, giving feedback and subjecting work to objective critique, my mentee is able to improve on the product and the business model, and attract the right opportunities.” Paulina Adjei, Mowgli Mentor, Ghana
4. Create a shoulder-to-shoulder relationship, rather than a teacher-student one
“I learnt to let the process take place by actively listening and empowering my mentees to make their own decisions.” Biruk Yosef, Mowgli Mentor, Ethiopia
5. Be as open with your mentee as you expect them to be with you
“ Don’t be afraid of being open and honest about the failures as well. Admitting these during the timeline exercise actually made me feel more confident as I realised what I had learnt from each failure or bad period, and I saw rapport developing with my mentee who is also going through a period of self-doubt and anxiety.” Naila Saba, Mowgli Mentor, Lebanon
6. Learn from the experience
“The Mowgli Mentoring Experience helps both mentees and mentors develop critical leadership skills such as listening, inspiring others, creating new perspectives, humility (“to serve is to lead”) and challenging without judgement.” Mustapha Koriba, Mowgli Mentor and Facilitator, UK
7. Join the transformation and watch your mentees go on to become mentors themselves
“I started out as a Mowgli Mentee and went on to mentor my peers. Mentoring offers hope for humankind to live beyond their differences, and be at the service of others so they too can unlock their potential.” Nadine Asmar, Mowgli Mentee, Mentor and Facilitator, Lebanon