How can I make the most of being mentored?

Imarisha Mentoring Programme, Mowgli Mentoring

Whenever we match a mentor and mentee pair within Mowgli’s mentoring programs, one of the recurring questions we come across from mentees is how to make the most of the mentoring relationship. To answer this popular question, we spoke to a few of our mentors and mentees, here’s what they had to share about how they make their relationships work…

  1. Trust the process

“What held me back was fear — what I would say to potential mentees is just push that aside, it’s an illusion, and really go for it.” Lubna Latif, Mowgli Mentee, UK

2. Accept input and support, but own your decisions

“There is a journey that you have to take, but there are lots of people who are just like you, and they can help you in many ways.” Hala Keichur, Mowgli Mentee, Syria

3. Develop a trust-based relationship with your mentor

“My mentor helped me to reflect on my motivations and to understand what I really wanted to do on a personal and professional level.” Cynthia Haddad Abou Khater, Mowgli Mentee, Lebanon

4. Explore your strengths and weaknesses, blind spots and areas to develop

“I lacked confidence and didn’t think my ideas were good enough to strengthen my company. My mentor helped me to realise that I do have a lot of business knowledge to share with others, and has helped me achieve the things that I wouldn’t have been capable of otherwise.” Eva Turk, Mowgli Mentee and Mentor, Lebanon

5. Drive the relationship yourself, during and after the programme

“I do feel that it’s important that it should be a serious relationship from the beginning; it’s all about making regular contact and being very committed to the other person, if you’re going to get the most benefit from the programme.” Ramzi Qaqish, Mowgli Mentee, Jordan

6. Use mentoring to change your own life

“Over the year my mentor helped me to understand myself and my professional needs and to actually start moving my business and my personal development forward. That was the most important thing for me.” Aly Rafea, Mowgli Mentee, Egypt

7. .and change the lives of others

“There are few relationships in life that are as rewarding as being able to support someone on their journey to success.” Nadine Asmar, Mowgli Mentee, Mentor and Coach Facilitator, Lebanon