
Beyond Authority: Great Leaders Act Like Mentors (and You Can too) 

A recent study shows that for 70% of people, the leaders’ and managers’ impact on an employee’s mental health rivals that of their partner – and surpasses both their therapist and doctor. That’s a powerful weight to carry as a leader or manager. But it’s also an incredible opportunity to positively influence employee well-being .  […]

Beyond “Good job”: 7 Steps to maximise the impact of your mentoring conversations 

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Unlocking Powerful Communication in Mentoring Conversations  Have you ever had that sinking feeling after a mentoring session? You did your best to show up and support your mentee, but something felt off. Maybe your mentee seemed unsure or disengaged. The truth is, effective mentoring goes beyond simply sharing knowledge or giving advice. It’s about fostering […]

Timothy Gallwey’s Inner Game Formula and Entrepreneurship: Overcoming Interference for Success

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Unlock entrepreneurial success by mastering the inner game at The Human Edge. Explore Timothy Gallwey’s formula: “Potential minus Interference equals Success.” Overcome internal barriers for unparalleled success in the entrepreneurial battlefield. Our mentoring and coaching programs nurture resilient leaders, transforming potential into action. For donors, investing in mentoring is an investment in unstoppable positive change. Partner with us to rewrite entrepreneurship’s narrative—where the inner game is conquered. Contact The Human Edge for transformative outcomes today.

Accelerating Entrepreneurial Growth: How mentoring-centred personalised support pathways led to 2.35 jobs created per entrepreneur in 5 months in Tunisia 

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Being an entrepreneur is a challenging journey filled with uncertainty and risk. Startups typically have limited resources and must operate in a highly competitive environment, making it difficult to establish a foothold in the market and attract customers. Additionally, entrepreneurs often lack a supportive environment or access to networks and resources, which can make the […]

Running Effective Mentoring Programmes – Fireside chat with Maia Gedde and Mike Ducker

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A fireside chat between Mike Ducker (Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Builder & Executive Director at Valhalla Global Accelerator) and Maia Gedde (Head of Development at Mowgli Mentoring. Maia and Mike discuss some of the challenges and pitfalls that mentoring programme managers and entrepreneurial ecosystem builders encounter during the implementation of mentoring programmes.

The importance of mentoring in entrepreneurship programmes: The success story of LIF Global Programme (Cohort 6) entrepreneurs overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic challenges

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The Leaders in Innovation Fellowship (LIF) programme implemented by the Royal Academy of Engineering built in a mentoring component to a structured business programme dedicated to entrepreneurs with the aim of supporting researchers and innovators in the engineering space to commercialise their engineering-based innovations that address one or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Find out more about this programme.

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