
The impact of intergenerational mentoring on leadership perspectives

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When Blandine Melis and Jamal Hamzeh, two environmental leaders working in Cape Verde and Lebanon respectively, joined the MAVA Leaders for Nature Academy in 2020, they couldn’t have imagined the impact it would have on their personal and professional lives.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the mentoring pair.

9 reasons why mentoring programmes fail – the tell-tale signs of a failing programme 

9 reasons why mentoring programmes fail - Blog Image

Setting up an effective mentoring programme which adds real value is easier said than done. Many mentoring programmes fail. Often, they start off strong but then slowly fizzle out, and other times, they don’t even take off. Today, we are here to share with you our experience because we are keen to help others reap the real benefits of mentoring. It can be done if you set the right foundations.  

What is mentoring? A focus on business and entrepreneurs.

What is mentoring? A focus on business and entrepreneurs - Blog Image

The oxford definition of a mentor is ‘an experienced and trusted adviser.’ If you had an effective mentor in the past or at the moment, then you know that this definition doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of who a mentor is or what they can bring. In this article, we will unpack the common misconceptions of who a mentor is and the kind of value you can get from effective mentoring.

Embedding mentoring within MENA clusters

Embedding mentoring within MENA clusters

Mentoring is trust-based. It is a safe intervention because there is no conflict of interest, and as a mentor, your willingness to help is the only motive. Abdulrahman Sawafeh.

Mentoring: is it the key to successful talent and organisational development?


We’d like to begin by asking you 3 questions: As a leader who is concerned with company growth, if the answer to the first 2 questions is a no and/or the last question is a yes, talent development needs to be a key focus within your organizational development strategy. Your employees are your greatest asset, […]

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