How to Build Emotional Intelligence as a Leader: 5 Practical Steps 

How to Build Emotional Intelligence as a Leader_5 Practical Steps 

Emotional intelligence (EI) is often hailed as one of the most important qualities of effective leadership. However, while it’s widely discussed, it’s often underexplained in a way that makes it practical for leaders to develop.  At its core, emotional intelligence is about understanding and managing your own emotions, while also being attuned to the emotions […]

How to Deliver Feedback that Ignites Growth: Key Takeaways and Beyond

How to give feedback that inspires growth

We recently hosted a webinar on “How to Give Feedback that Inspires Growth,” and the conversation was buzzing! If you missed it, don’t worry! This blog post will capture the key takeaways and delve even deeper to help you transform your feedback game. Feedback is a double-edged sword. Delivered poorly, it can deflate and discourage. […]

Are You Mentor-Material? How to Maximise Your Mentorability 

mentee with mentor

Mentoring is often hailed as a key to unlocking potential and achieving career goals in the professional world. We all crave that wise guide, a beacon of experience ready to illuminate our path. But this equation isn’t quite so one-sided as most believe it to be. At The Human Edge, we know that successful mentoring […]

Beyond Authority: Great Leaders Act Like Mentors (and You Can too) 

A recent study shows that for 70% of people, the leaders’ and managers’ impact on an employee’s mental health rivals that of their partner – and surpasses both their therapist and doctor. That’s a powerful weight to carry as a leader or manager. But it’s also an incredible opportunity to positively influence employee well-being .  […]

Beyond “Good job”: 7 Steps to maximise the impact of your mentoring conversations 

mentoring conversation

Unlocking Powerful Communication in Mentoring Conversations  Have you ever had that sinking feeling after a mentoring session? You did your best to show up and support your mentee, but something felt off. Maybe your mentee seemed unsure or disengaged. The truth is, effective mentoring goes beyond simply sharing knowledge or giving advice. It’s about fostering […]

Relationships: The Foundation of Sustainable Social Change 

Blog Image - The Foundation of Sustainable Social Change

The power of relationships is often overlooked in the world of social change. But at Mowgli Mentoring, we believe that relationships are the foundation of sustainable change. In this blog post, we explore how relationships, coupled with core skills like powerful questioning and active listening, can be used to drive sustainable social change.

6 Key Skills for Active Listeners 

Active listening is more than just hearing the words someone is saying. It is a powerful skill that can transform your interactions as a mentor or leader. By truly engaging with others and understanding their perspectives, active listening creates a safe and supportive space for open communication. In this blog post, we will delve into the six key skills that every active listener should possess. These skills not only enhance your ability to connect with others but also allow you to tailor your guidance and support to their unique needs. Whether you are an experienced mentor or a new leader, mastering these skills will help you unlock the full potential of those you lead. Join us on this journey to becoming a better listener and a more effective guide.