Myth vs. Reality: Designing Mentoring Programmes That Actually Work 

Programme design

Who hasn’t heard someone say, “Just pair people up and let them figure it out”? When it comes to mentoring programmes, this “wing it” approach is as common as a bad haircut. But is it really the best way to nurture growth, development, and meaningful connections?  At The Human Edge, we’ve seen firsthand how a […]

5 Ways Programme Design Makes the Mentoring Magic Happen 

Mentoring programme managers

Here at The Human Edge (THE), we don’t just design and run mentoring programmes – we’re passionate about helping YOU design and run effective mentoring programmes. We see a lot of well-intentioned DIY efforts, and while enthusiasm is fantastic, the truth is, effective mentoring experiences hinge on a well-structured programme design.  Throwing mentors and mentees […]

Running Effective Mentoring Programmes – Fireside chat with Maia Gedde and Mike Ducker

Fireside chat with Maia Gedde and Mike Ducker - Blog Image

A fireside chat between Mike Ducker (Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Builder & Executive Director at Valhalla Global Accelerator) and Maia Gedde (Head of Development at Mowgli Mentoring. Maia and Mike discuss some of the challenges and pitfalls that mentoring programme managers and entrepreneurial ecosystem builders encounter during the implementation of mentoring programmes.

The importance of training to design and structure your mentoring programmes for success

Importance of training to design and structure your mentoring programmes for success

Effective mentoring programmes don’t just happen and there’s no one-size-fits-all design. There are key design principles to consider, as well as pitfalls to look out for in order to make your programme effective and yield fruit. If you are the person in charge of a mentoring programme, make sure you have the knowledge and skills to set up a mentoring programme which really creates value to those who participate.

9 reasons why mentoring programmes fail – the tell-tale signs of a failing programme 

9 reasons why mentoring programmes fail - Blog Image

Setting up an effective mentoring programme which adds real value is easier said than done. Many mentoring programmes fail. Often, they start off strong but then slowly fizzle out, and other times, they don’t even take off. Today, we are here to share with you our experience because we are keen to help others reap the real benefits of mentoring. It can be done if you set the right foundations.