Mentoring is a great way to attract, retain, inspire, help and motivate your employees. It provides employees with the tools they need to succeed.
Mentoring in the workplace
Mentoring can help your employees learn new skills, improve their performance, and improve their relationships with other staff members. It helps them develop as leaders through the creation of a culture of empowerment and growth within your business. It can help you build a team of happy, fulfilled employees, who are more likely to stay with your company and help it grow.
Mentoring also gives leaders, managers and mentors the chance to share their knowledge and experience with others, which can help them develop skills that will benefit both the business and the employee in the long run. If your company has a mentoring culture, you’ll be able to retain talent better and keep your team excited about doing their best work.
Mentoring programmes are not only beneficial for employees; they also have a positive impact on employers by reducing turnover rates, improving retention rates, increasing productivity, improving morale and reducing the risk of lawsuits from disgruntled employees who feel like they’ve been wronged by their employer.

In this post we’ll look at some of the different ways mentoring can add value to an organisation and why you should consider implementing mentoring programmes within your company.
1. Better employee retention
Mentoring can help employees to develop skills and become more engaged, productive and satisfied in their jobs.
Employees who are mentored tend to be more engaged in their jobs and feel like they’re making a difference. They often have more confidence in the work they produce. They are more likely to stay loyal to their company and are less likely to leave the company than those who aren’t mentored or have a poor experience of mentoring. This means that they’ll continue contributing to your output and growth as a company.

2. Building a culture of learning
Mentors can help employees learn new skills, faster and more effectively than would otherwise be possible.
This is true, particularly in the case of individuals who are less experienced or who have not had the opportunity to undertake training previously. Mentoring has been shown to be a valuable tool in helping such individuals improve their performance levels at work.

3. Creating a more engaged workforce
Mentoring programmes help create a more engaged workforce because mentoring can foster internal collaboration, knowledge and experience sharing, and ultimately help leaders co-create work cultures that are both productive and fun. They create opportunities for employees to learn from each other and share best practices across teams.
Mentoring also provides an avenue for mentees who have been promoted within their organization (and may be unfamiliar with their new role) to speak with someone who has been in their position before so that they can guide them on how best to succeed in the job.

4. More diversity and inclusion in the workplace
Mentors provide a valuable opportunity for women, people with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups to gain insights into how the organisation functions and what is required for them to reach their full potential.
A mentor helps them explore ways in which they can develop their skills and competencies so that they are better placed to achieve their career goals. A mentor will listen (and sometimes challenge) how they think about themselves, their careers and their networks, but most importantly they will help them see where they want to go on their journey as well as what strengths they already have that can be leveraged.

Mentoring is a two-way process, so it’s important to remember that the mentor is learning too. Mentors should also be willing to share with others what they know so that their mentees can grow in their own careers as well.
The right person to be your mentor might not be your direct manager or someone who has had experience in your field, but someone who primarily has the wisdom and skills that they can share with you.
While some managers may make good mentors because of their experience in an organization, there are other characteristics required for effective mentoring such as excellent listening and questioning skills; patience; empathy; trustworthiness; integrity; good judgement and emotional intelligence (the ability to recognize when someone else needs help); communication skills (the ability to hear what is being said); the ability to offer constructive feedback without criticism or blame; knowledgeability on multiple levels (technical expertise as well as personal); among other skills.
So, how do you bring mentoring into your workplace?
You need to plan out a strategy for mentoring your employees, you need to make sure that your mentors are trained and supported, and then you need to make sure that everyone feels comfortable enough with their mentor relationship to actually take advantage of it.
But we’re here to help! To effectively bring mentoring into your workplace:
- You can outsource the design and implementation of your mentoring programmes to us! We’ve been designing and implementing mentoring programmes for years now, so we know and understand many of the pitfalls of designing mentoring programmes. So, if you want a programme designed for your company specifically (or just need some advice), we’re here for you.
- You can empower your team members to build their own mentoring programmes! We’ve seen this work really well when mentoring programme managers are empowered with the relevant skills to support the programme participants and see the programme to fruition.

- Or you could train some of employees on how to become effective mentors and let them build relationships organically with each other based on their common interests. This can create a strong sense of community within the organization while also giving them opportunities to learn new things from each other.

Whichever direction your organisation chooses to go, we’ll work with you step by step until you have a programme up and running that will benefit your company long term.