
King Khalid Foundation (KKF) and Mowgli Mentoring partner to unlock the potential of Saudi Arabia’s social entrepreneurs through mentoring and capacity build KKF in managing its mentoring initiatives

KKF and Mowgli Mentoring Empower Saudi Social Entrepreneurs

Social entrepreneurship is a relatively new status within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Although Saudi Arabia’s entrepreneurship ecosystem has developed tremendously over the past decade, with the number of support organisations having tripled between 2006 and 2015, social entrepreneurs are still struggling to find the support and understanding they need within the ecosystem. The structure of social entrepreneurship does not provide the same flexibility as with regular startups especially when it comes incubation and acceleration, to access to funding, or even practicalities such as registration given the current legislation.

To support this growing and much needed group of changemakers who seek to develop sustainable businesses that are not only driven by profit margins, but the need to solve social problems within their communities, King Khalid Foundation (KKF) is partnering with Mowgli Mentoring.

In line with the foundation’s belief that we all have the inherent capacity to effect change within our lives and communities, through our 14-month partnership, we will provide 360-degree mentoring support (which focuses on both the personal and professional growth of the individual) to the selected social entrepreneurs as well as train and capacity build KKF’s Mentoring Program Coordinator to be able to take the mentoring philosophy and support processes forward to strengthen their mentoring initiatives, supporting our drive to achieve a multiplier effect through mentoring.

The first stage of the structured mentoring program will see Mowgli Mentoring deliver two Mentoring Awareness Sessions (MAS) which will support with the recruitment of potential program mentors and mentees whilst increasing their understanding of mentoring, it’s impact, benefits and how the program can support the professional and personal development of themselves and others. Following the MAS, 15 professionals will be selected and trained by Mowgli as 360-degree mentors before being matched with 15 pre-selected social entrepreneurs who will be engaged as mentees within a 6-month structured mentoring relationship supported by Mowgli.

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