
Taking Action on World Refugee Day

Mowgli Mentees — Hala Tamer and Badia Ammash

Every year we observe World Refugee Day on 20th June. It’s a day meant to create awareness about the plight of refugees and mobilize resources to address the global challenge surrounding persons forcibly displaced by war and conflict. This day is also meant to honour the courage and determination of refugees all over the world who despite tough circumstances strive to rebuild their lives.

Mowgli Mentees — Hala Tamer and Badia Ammash
Picture copyright. SANAD TAF Mowgli Mentoring Program, Jordan

In Lebanon, over 1 million Syrian refugees are registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The World Population Review estimates that Lebanon has a population of 6.07 million which puts the refugee population in the country at approx. 16%. With such a significant number, encouraging stronger integration and relations between refugees and their host-community is vital in further driving Lebanon’s social and economic development.

Through mentoring we’re building bridges between refugees and host-communities as we bring both groups to work together to improve their social welfare and enhance their economic contribution. Through our partnership with the SANAD Enterprise Academy, an initiative of the Technical Assistance Facility of the SANAD Fund for MSME, we’re drawing on the power of mentoring to develop sustainable enterprises at the grassroots level, which then pours into the greater Lebanon economy. Learn more about our new mentoring program in Lebanon here.



We’re looking for experienced professionals and business leaders to train as 360-degree mentors who will support the personal and professional development of Syrian refugee and Lebanese micro-entrepreneurs.

Join our Mentoring Awareness Session in Beirut to learn more about this program and become a mentor!

Unable to attend this session in Beirut? Spread the word!

If you have friends and colleagues who are equally passionate about empowering others, invite them to #StepWithRefugees by sharing this blog post and its contents on social media.

Need more inspiration? Watch the first hand accounts of how mentoring impacted the lives of Syrian refugees and micro-entrepreneurs in Jordan

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